Richardson, Texas Resources for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Every night, thousands of young people right here in Richardson, TX experience homelessness without a parent or guardian –and go to sleep without the safety, stability and support of a family or a home. The first step in solving the problem is to shine a light on it.
Elevate North Texas addresses Richardson youth experiencing homelessness through three distinct programs depending on the exact needs in each case.

Short-term host homes are a safe and affirming place for youth who are currently experiencing homelessness for any variety of reasons, including but not limited to family conflict, poverty, gender identity and sexual orientation. The goal of short-term host homes is to provide a safe, temporary, welcoming space for up to four months where the young person has time to repair their relationships with self-identified family or make decisions about other housing options with the support of a caring housing case manager.
Elevate North Texas is proud to partner with hotels in Richardson and across North Texas to meet the immediate needs of those youth experiencing homelessness. We are the only emergency shelter serving youth 18-to-24-year old’s in North Texas. The youth that walk through our doors are faced with one of the scariest situations any youth can imagine: they no longer have a place to call home.
While it is unfortunately true that for many homeless youth, relations with family members are profoundly damaged and irredeemable. At the same time, this is not true for all young people who become homeless. Many leave home because of family conflict, but the conflict may not reflect abusive relations. In such cases, family mediation may help repair or lesson the conflict. In addition, even if one comes from a household characterized by abuse does not mean that there are no healthy or redeemable relations within the family, important social relations that may be helpful to the young person in question.
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If you need help...
If you are a young adult aged 18-24 in Richardson, TX or surrounding North Texas neighborhoods and have found yourself experiencing or in danger of experiencing homelessness, please use the Contact Us page to reach out. Provide us with your contact information and one of our case managers will respond to find the best way to provide you assistance.
If you want to help...
Use the links above to learn about each one of our assistance programs and how you might like to get involved. Head over to the Volunteer page to provide us with your information and how you’d like to join the fight against youth homelessness.
Monetary donations also help us in our crusade to end youth homelessness in Richardson. Use this donate now link and we thank you for your generosity!